I wonder, and sincerely at that, if it’s not an absolute privilege to be bisexual. Before you dismiss the thought without consideration, just ponder on it for a moment. I mean, all of a sudden your options are quite literally doubled as far as partners is concerned and if I look at some of the stuff on Bimaxx, which is one of the Tainler network sites, then it opens up a whole world of additional sexual options and with that a whole lot of fun.
The other Tainler site is called Guys Go Crazy and that one is full on male gay porn and themes around party porn and orgy scenarios, which quite clearly is a fun site too.
If this appeals to you as much as it does to me then you might be pleased to know that there is a Tainler discount for 43% in savings making becoming a member light on the pocket and opens up their entire library of content to you and you become privy to all the new content as it’s uploaded.
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