Make no mistake about it, free fuck buddy sites can be a lot of fun. I mean, can you imagine putting the word “free” and “fuck” in the same sentence. This is a guaranteed good time because, hey, let’s face it, most guys love to fuck and most guys love free stuff. Put those two concepts together and you’re in for a slam dunk. Or at least that is my experience after using https://www.findafuckbuddy.net for a couple of years.
With that said, there are so many of these websites out there that they can be quite dangerous. The big danger is not hooking up with a crazy bitch who shows up with a knife. I’m not talking about that kind of danger, although that can happen. The big danger is actually much more obvious. The big danger has everything to do with your wallet.
You have to understand that there are tons of scumbags out there. I think you already know this. You only need to spend a day on the internet to know that there are all sorts of spammers and scammers out there to separate you from your hard-earned dollars. They will put all sorts of tricks. They would do all sorts of things just to rip you off.
Unfortunately, these people have no limits. There are no boundaries for these people. This is why a lot of free fuck buddy sites are littered with fake accounts. When you look at these profiles, they look like females. They look like real people are behind them. In reality, they are actually powered by software called robots and their job is quite simple. Their job is to mislead you into thinking they’re real.
Once you waste your time talking to these robots, they will then start pumping you with URLs. When you click on that URL, one of two things can happen. Either a malicious piece of software will be downloaded and installed on your computer or you are going to be taken to a website that will try its best to separate you from your hard-earned money.
The end-result is the same. You either waste your time or you waste your money. So, be very aware of this very grave and imminent danger that you face with free fuck buddy websites. I’m not saying you should stop visiting them. What I am saying is that you should keep your head screwed on right.