Posted By Admin on 06/15/22

Have you managed to find a few of the best dating sites for swingers? We all know they are out there but who has the time to put together a list of ones that are worth visiting?

It seems that someone does have the time for this and that someone just happens to be This is awesome, isn’t it? Just how much time and effort this saves you is amazing. I can get myself a casual fuck and I don’t have to waste time searching for a site that will give me what I am asking for.

This just opens a door to a world of instant hookups. No strings attached and plenty of reasons to explore more dating sites. If I wasn’t wide awake I would ask you to pinch me because this just has to be a dream come true. I am going to go and give it a try right now and I advise you guys to do the same. What do we have to lose? Nothing and we know what we have to gain.

Blogged Under: Dating
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Posted By Admin on 05/19/19

Fucking more local pussy is not what you think it is. For many guys, it is a mechanical task. I mean, just how hard is it to put a long hard object into a tight wet slot? Believe it or not, this is how many guys view the whole project of getting laid. It doesn’t really matter who provides the hole. As long as you can find a chick that will take you, you will have a good time. Seems simple and straightforward, right? Sadly, this overly simplistic strategy-and it is quite a stretch to call it that leads to so many guys jerking off all lonely and dejected every Friday night that it is nothing short of a sexual disaster. What went wrong?

Getting laid on is not much different from getting sales. Whether you’re trying to fuck more local pussy or you plan to travel to get your quota of poontang filled, you have to really nail down one important truth. You really have to wrap your mind around this revelation or else, getting pussy will be all but impossible for you. What’s the big revelation? Well, for you to get pussy, you have to give women what they are looking for. Sounds simple? Not quite.

Chicks crave attention. It doesn’t really matter how seemingly confident or well put together the woman is. There is always room for improvement as far as their need for attention goes. When you give chicks this attention, you have to follow through the right way. You can’t just give a chick attention and allow her to use your attention as ego candy. She loves the fact that you’re giving her time but this doesn’t mean she’ll jump on your cock. You have to reel it in. You have to make the attention contingent to the good time you can give her. This is where most guys fail. They get to third base only to end up losing out. So sad.

Blogged Under: Dating
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Posted By Admin on 10/11/17

And unfortunately, if you’re a guy, that’s what it will always remain – a dream. For Some guys. Because most think that only women are able to achieve this. And after a certain age, they crave this shit, especially after they get divorced or their kids are grown up. Whatever the case may be, these women hit mild life crisis and multi-orgasmic sex definitely fits the bill. This is why there’s a huge demand among women for websites that offer free sex, no sign up required.

Now, if you’re a dude who signed up for these websites, then the opposite is true for you. There are tons of guys competing for a fairly small amount of pussy and it’s dog eat dog. Seriously. It’s a Darwinian struggle. It’s an arms race and you better come prepared.

You better come correct, otherwise, you’re going to get eaten up, you’re going to get chewed out, and you’re going to get fucked up so badly in terms of nothing happening, that you probably would quit. And unfortunately, if that’s the kind of thought pattern you have, you are not alone.

The truth is, the majority of guys who join such websites end up not coming back. Maybe it took them several weeks, maybe it took them several months. Whatever the case may be, after a certain period of time, they stop. This is where your environment comes in.

If you’re in an environment where you’re always being challenged, then chances are quite good that you would have the right personality for this. Guys who do not have a challenging environment are too soft. They expect things to be easy. They expect all that amazing pussy to be served on a silver platter. It’s not going to happen. Do you see how this works?

So make sure you stretch yourself out a little bit. Make sure you go out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. The more you toughen up yourself, the more likely you are to overcome. If you insist on things being easy, you develop an entitlement mentality and that’s where the problem begins. I can give you one huge pointer though, a site that has landed me tons of tail over the year, it might work for you depending on your location.. Oh and did I mention that signing up is free? Check it out;

Blogged Under: Dating
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